Light Airplane save fuel approx. 8%!

BE-Fuelsaver® XLP: Light Airplane saves approx. 8% of Fuel!
Good news for those who enjoy taking off now and again. Owners of light airplanes are now also in a position to save fuel and protect the environment by use of the BE-Fuelsaver®. New Generation’s engineer Herbert Renner had a chance to witness a fuel reduction of 8% when on board of a plane as a co-pilot.

The light airplane equipped with a 100 hp Rotax engine normally consumes 18.2 liters of fuel per hour on an altitude of 3000 meters and at 5000 rpm. The BE-Fuelsaver® XLP was attached to a thick rubber tube (unfavorable installation) on March 19, 2015. When the plane was on the runway an improved acceleration was noticable. When flying on auto pilot at 3000 m doing 5000 rpm, the decreased consumption was impressive. The fuel consumption at that point was 16.8 liters per hour due to the BE-Fuelsaver® XLP. This was a reduction of approx. 8% which really impressed the owner of the plane. He has a long-term flying experience, is a flight trainer, pilot and flight expert and has flown around the globe with this particular plane. A man who cannot be impressed that easily.

The fuel saver passed the baptism of fire with flying colors. It is well under way on water and on land. It is irrelevant if the vehicle’s combustion engine runs on gasoline, diesel or gas. It is capable of reducing toxic particulate matter by up to 86% and this is another Facts –

Press Contact
Roswitha Frank / Agency for Communications & Marketing
Phone: +49 (0) 178 8827368

Far more Power for Photovoltaic Systems!

Solar Power: far more Power for Photovoltaic Systems thanks to the BE-Solarpower Pad!
The BE-Solarpower Pad helps to increase the output of a photovoltaic system on a large scale. A comparative measurement over a period of 6 months each produced excellent results for a photo-voltaic system by the company VitaSana. These measurements proved that the BE-Solarpower Pad increased the power by 20% and more.

VitaSana GmbH&Co KG is a company specializing in photovoltaic systems, selling and implementing systems around the globe, VitaSana performed comparative measurements on two modules of a 4.6 kWp system. Measurements started in June 2014 by considering the solar hours of the near-by weather station Markt-Erlbach. Subsequently, the power produced between June and November 2013 was compared to the output during the same period in 2014. Even if it was not always possible to compare the solar hours directly, the following statement can be made: the result is crystal clear! The effect is particularly striking when looking at hours with little light. This means that even unfavorable locations are able to benefit from increased power!

This impressive result was possible due to the BE-Solarpower Pad which harmonizes the energy frequencies and raises the light’s energy to a higher energy level. For those interested in reading the detailed report including the comparative values of the measurements, please click on the following link:

Solutions for oil, gas and wood heating systems show the same positive effects thanks to the „BE-Fuelsaver®“: reduction of particulate matter and a decreased consumption of up to 20%. Numerous tests prove that the BE-Fuelsaver® reduces sooty particles (toxic particulate matter) up to 86%, produces a reduction of the CO value by 100% for gasoline-consuming vehicles and a decrease in HC value by up to 50%.

Approval in Brazil after examination of the Ministry of the Environment

Be-Fuelsaver SeloVerde PINOXCNDA – (Conselho Nacional de Defesa Ambiental), National Board for Environmental Protection, Organisation of Civil Society in Public Interest, Ministry of Justice Nr. 0800014148/2000-41, herewith grants the Right of Usage OF the Selo Verde (Green Seal) for the product PINOX (BE-Fuelsaver), because it fulfills all requirements for the certificate as stated in the Master Plans and the by-laws of the organisation.

Verantwortliche Firma:


State-Certification of the BE-Fuelsaver® in Brazil!

São Paulo, 30.10.2014
CNDA – (Conselho Nacional de Defesa Ambiental), National Board for Environmental Protection, Organisation of Civil Society in Public Interest, Ministry of Justice Nr. 0800014148/2000-41, herewith grants the Right of Usage OF the Selo Verde (Green Seal) for the product PINOX (BE-Fuelsaver), because it fulfills all requirements for the certificate as stated in the Master Plans and the by-laws of the organisation.
Company in charge:

Good news at the start of the new year: The BE-Fuelsaver® got State-Certification in Brazil. It took a year until the BE-Fuelsaver® was certificated. The Ministry of Environment tested the BE-Fuelsaver® thoroughly for emissions, power and consumption and qualified it as environmentally valuable. It got the Green Seal of CNDA.

The BE-Fuelsaver® is a tiny metal stick that produces big results, setting entirely new standards in pollutant reduction and thereby protecting the environment and saving fuel at the same time.

But just how does it work? The stick works as an information carrier and changes the molecular structure of the fuel, thereby optimizing the combustion process in all petrol, diesel and gas powered vehicles – from cars, trucks and buses to farm machinery, lawn mowers and even heating systems from oil to gas and even to pellets. By using the BE-Fuelsaver®, everyone can make a contribution to the protection of the environment and reduce the usage of finite fuel sources to protect the existing supply!

Business Enquiries:
Ambition AG
Gregor von Drabich-Waechter
Leimbachstr. 88
CH-8041 Zürich
Telephone: +41 (0) 44 481 4900 und
Telephone: +49 (0) 7221 30229999


Press Enquiries:
Roswitha Frank / Agentur für Kommunikation & Marketing
Telephone: +49 (0) 178 8827368

Ambition Inc. is a Swiss-based company. Gregor von Drabich-Waechter is the founder and administrator of the company that concentrates on the distribution and marketing of the various BE-Fuelsaver® products. Sales are made on an exclusive basis in Switzerland and sold in co-operation with partners worldwide and local partner. This advanced technology is patent protected and sets new standards for reductions in fuel consumption and waste gas production. The product was developed in Austria.

Water as Information Carrier: bio-energetic Water Stone improves the Quality of Water!

Water which has been informed by the bio-energetic water stone is vitalized by the bio-energetic effect and tastes fresh and soft as if originating from a mountain well. The water is “revitalized” and is thus very different from regular tap water. When drinking coffee or tea for which energized water has been used, a completely new and positive taste experience is generated. Even plants clearly flourish more and limescale settles less.

Water has the magnificent capability of being energized and it is well known that it is the best information carrier. Negative factors and elements diminishing the water quality will be improved by the existing, positive elements. This is based on a purely bio-energetic principle. The bio-energetic water stone available at Ambition AG’s online shop improves the quality of water.

The effect of the bio-energetic water stone is based on an information principle which has successfully been applied for over a decade. Frequences transferred from the stone to the water make the water regain its original and positive properties. These results in a natural water the way it should be. This also becomes clear when tasted.

The placement of the bio-energetic water stone is very simple. It can be attached on the outside of or placed directly inside a receptacle. An optimal contact with the water is the prerequisite for a positive effect. A piece of information for those who wish to place the water stone directly into the receptacle: after tap water containing bacteria underwent a bacteriological before and after test as per ISO 7704 (lab no.: WT 070245-246), it was confirmed that the water was entirely free of bacteria due to the revitalization of the water.

Press Contact
Roswitha Frank / Agency for Communication & Marketing
Phone: +49 (0) 178 8827368 (Germany)

Ambition AG is a company based in Switzerland and Gregor von Drabich-Waechter is the company’s founder and chairman. The company markets the different BE Fuelsaver® products, the accu power, the bike power & performance booster and the bio-energetic gas saver, all products developed in Austria as well as other energy-saving technologies such as the electricity booster. This sophisticated technology is a proprietary procedure which has raised the bar in fuel saving and the reduction of toxic exhaust. The products are sold in Switzerland exclusively and in other European countries, Eastern Africa and the USA jointly with partners.

BE-Fuelsaver® now exclusively distributed by Ambition AG

The promotion of the BE-Fuelsaver® has been going really well for the past two years and this can also be attributed to the marketing and distribution effort by Ambition AG, Cham (Switzerland). Austria’s New Generation Bio, manufacturer of the BE-Fuelsaver® and Ambition AG have therefore agreed to put Ambition AG in the lead for the worldwide distribution. This way, the operational distribution is centralized. Gregor von Drabich-Waechter, head of Ambition AG, managed to put the distribution in Switzerland on solid ground and has furthermore been successful in gaining distribution partners in Germany, Luxemburg, Kenya and the USA.

Thanks to his effort and knowhow, the recognition of the BE-Fuelsaver® has increased. In 2013, the fuelsaver was nominated for the German environment prize. A prize which is one of the highest-remunerated environment prizes awarded for the effort and achievements in the protection of the environment in Europe. New Generation Bio completed the successful participation in the German environment prize contest 2013 with excellence.

The innovative Technology on the Road of Success!
The success and positive development of the BE-Fuelsaver® continue. “We feel very proud about the fact that New Generation Bio has confidence in our work and has put us in the lead of the further promotion of the BE-Fuelsaver®“, says Gregor von Drabich-Waechter, founder and chairman of Ambition AG. Ambition AG supports other intelligent energy solutions which work without fossil or nuclear energy.

New Generation Bio’s Herbert Renner adds: “In our opinion, Ambition AG is a competent and highly committed business partner and we are happy having agreed to put the worldwide marketing into its hands. This allows us to focus on the further development of existing and new products“.

The BE-Fuelsaver® is now represented in countries such as Portugal, Sri Lanka, Brazil, Iraq and Taiwan. Further on, positive tests have been made in India, Thailand and South Korea. In Austria where considerable success has been made, several communities with a strong climate awareness are now part of the satisfied user group.

The field of application comprises transportation fleets, construction tools and excavators, ships, heating systems including industrial heating systems (gas, oil, wood, pellets), block heat and power plants, tractors and agricultural vehicles and chain saws in forestry. More and more communities, companies, transportation and logistic companies, economic associations, bus companies and private persons have experienced the effect of the BE-Fuelsaver® and benefit from it. A small metal pen with great impact – the BE-Fuelsaver®.

Press Contact
Roswitha Frank / Agency for Communication & Marketing
Phone: +49 (0) 178 8827368 (Germany)

Great news for Motorcyclists – Bike Power & Performance Booster!

There are some great news for motorcyclists! We’re convinced that motorcyclists will love the bike power & performance booster. The power increase will be appreciated by tuning freaks and motorcyclists. B. Helly Frauwallner, a motor sport pro and 6 time Austrian champion has already tested the bike power & performance booster on several tours. He has just won the 15th Himalaya Ralley thanks to the BE-Fuelsaver® technology and recommends it to the best of his knowledge. This world innovation was developed jointly by Austria’s IVA-innovative solutions GmbH and NG. The bike power & performance booster is a true asset to Ambition AG’s successful BE-Fuelsaver® product range.

Helly Frauwallner tested the bike power & performance booster on more than 20 Yamaha motorbikes. After tests for tuning freaks and motorcyclists he said: the engines are a lot more powerful and show a much better performance at the lower rotational speeds. The motorbikes had much more power with the booster and by far a better drive. Another asset is that more distance can be covered due to the fuel saving of over 10 %. The bike power & performance booster also reduces the toxic exhaust by up to 90 % (CO).

The installation is very simple. The stainless steel and non-magnetic pen can be placed into the tank in no time where it does not impact the electronics in any way. The bike power & performance booster „Made in Austria“ is available in various sizes and is shipped along with a 10 year product warranty.

Press Contact
Roswitha Frank / Agency for Communication & Marketing
Phone: +49 (0) 178 8827368 (Germany)

Ambition AG is a company based in Switzerland and Gregor von Drabich-Waechter is the company’s founder and chairman. The company markets the different BE Fuelsaver® products, the accu power, the bike power & performance booster and the bio-energetic gas saver, all products developed in Austria as well as other energy-saving technologies such as the electricity booster. This sophisticated technology is a proprietary procedure which has raised the bar in fuel saving and the reduction of toxic exhaust. The products are sold in Switzerland exclusively and in other European countries, Eastern Africa and the USA jointly with partners.

The BE-Fuelsaver® on a continuously upward Swing – Effectiveness confirmed through References!

The BE-Fuelsaver’s® reference list is growing steadily which confirms the effectiveness of the bio energetic pen in an impressive manner. The high fuel saving potential of up to 20% for all combustion engines – running on gasoline, diesel or natural gas – and garden tools with engines is extraordinary. The BE-Fuelsaver® is not only capable of saving fuel! As proven by a number of tests and reported by customers, it also reduces toxic particles (particulate matter) up to 86 %, CO for engines running on gasoline up to 100 % and HC up to 50 %. The installation of the metal pen which is only a few inches long does not require any alterations of the engine or the electronics and it only takes a few minutes to position it.

Satisfied customers are always our best references. For the Austrian transportation company Fischer & Kral the electronic tank book displays the consumption trend. The consumption of the company-owned trucks of type Atego was visible through this – 4 times without the BE-Fuelsaver® and 4 times with the BE-Fuelsaver® installed. After the 1st full tank was consumed the diesel consumption dropped from 20.71 to 17.77 liters. This was a fuel reduction of 16.17 %. Furthermore, the exhaust was measured again: the Mercedes truck without a filter showed almost zero particles in the exhaust. This figure is 97 % below the maximum limit allowed!

In the area of ships there are good news once again. Recently an improved result was reached by the BE-Fuelsaver® of size XXL on MS-Futura. After more than 12 runs the fuel reduction went from 6.2 % to 7 % on average which is in improvement of roughly 13 %. Alone the optimization of the engine done previous to the second test series resulted in a saving of 12 %.

Austria’s motorsport pro Helly Frauwallner is also amongst those who are convinced by the BE-Fuelsaver® and has confirmed its effectiveness. 22 identical Yamaha motorbikes (48 hp) were tested in a professional challenge covering more than 1000 km within 7 days. He stated that the BE-Fuelsaver® was clearly successful in this practical test! The 11 motorbikes with a BE-Fuelsaver® installed had a lot more drive and were ahead performance-wise in lower rotational speeds than the motorbikes without the device.

More references and reports of satisfied customers are published on our website: The testimonials include private drivers, companies with a fleet and communities using the BE-Fuelsaver® and who are convinced by its positive effect.

Press Contact
Roswitha Frank / Agency for Communication & Marketing
Phone: +49 (0) 178 8827368 (Germany)

Ambition AG is a company based in Switzerland and Gregor von Drabich-Waechter is the company’s founder and chairman. The company markets the different BE Fuelsaver® products, the accu power, the bike power & performance booster and the bio-energetic gas saver, all products developed in Austria as well as other energy-saving technologies such as the electricity booster. This sophisticated technology is a proprietary procedure which has raised the bar in fuel saving and the reduction of toxic exhaust. The products are sold in Switzerland exclusively and in other European countries, Eastern Africa and the USA jointly with partners. Accu Power verbessert die Akku-Entladezeit für Mobilgeräte

Accu Power – das neue Produkt aus der Produktfamilie rund um dem BE-Fuelsaver®, verbessert die Akku-Entladezeit für Mobilgeräte um etwa 5 % bis 15 %. Möglich wird das, weil der bioenergetische Accu Power die Energieschwingungen harmonisiert. Über die Wechselwirkung mit den menschlichen Feldern wird die negative Wirkung aufgehoben und beeinflusst in keiner Weise das Empfangssignal. Die Veränderung bezieht sich ausschließlich auf die Wechselwirkung der biologischen Zellprozesse bei den Menschen. Als positiver Nebeneffekt der Harmonisierung verbessert sich die Entladezeit bei Handyakkus.

Die Anwendung ist denkbar einfach: Der bioenergetische Accu Power wird einfach nur auf die Rückseite des Handys aufgeklebt. Idealerweise dort, wo sich auch der Akku des Gerätes befindet. Die maximale Wirkung entfaltet der Accu Power bereits nach ca. 5 Akkuladungen und kann auch auf anderen Strahlung emittierenden Gehäusen wie Tablet-PC, Notebook etc. angebracht werden. Der Accu Power verlängert also nicht nur die Entladezeit, sondern auch die Lebensdauer des Akkus.

Die Ambition AG hat damit neben dem erfolgreichen BE-Fuelsaver® mit dem Accu Power eine weitere Produktneuheit in ihr Sortiment aufgenommen. Mehr Informationen unter:

Ambition AG
Gregor von Drabich-Waechter
Alte Steinhauserstr. 1
CH-6330 Cham
Telefon: +41 (0) 41 7293674 und
Telefon: +49 (0) 7221 30229999

Roswitha Frank / Agentur für Kommunikation & Marketing
Telefon: +49 (0) 178 8827368

Die Ambition AG, ein Unternehmen mit Sitz in der Schweiz, vermarktet die verschiedenen BE-Fuelsaver®-Produkte, den Accu Power, den Bike Power & Performance Booster sowie andere Energiespar-Technologien. Der Verkauf erfolgt exklusiv in der Schweiz und gemeinsam mit Partnern in anderen Europäischen Ländern, Ostafrika und in den USA. Die Spitzentechnologie ist ein geschütztes Verfahren und setzt neue Maßstäbe bei der Spriteinsparung und einer Reduzierung des Schadstoffausstoßes. Das Produkt wurde in Österreich entwickelt. Gründer des Unternehmens und Verwaltungsrat ist Gregor von Drabich-Waechter.

Particle Pollution – the BE-Fuelsaver® reduces Soot Particles by up to 86 %!

Epidemiologists still believe that particle pollution or particulate matter (PM) is a major health risk for people and our environment. On 04.09.2013 the NZZ, one of Zurich’s major newspapers, published a long article about this topic (source: with the title “Polluted air as a health risk“. Even if the PM concentration has decreased drastically in the past few years, the health risk remains unchanged.

A study carried out by the university of Ulm claims that the health impact in Europe, particularly due to PM in the air is very high. Furthermore it says that numerous studies in and outside of Europe suggest that the current concentration of toxic particles in the air can cause a wide range of serious health problems (source:

The European Study of Cohorts for Air Pollution Effects (source: states that it does not suffice to stay below the maximum limit. PM concentrations even below EU’s maximum annual limit can cause lung cancer. In the most comprehensive study of the kind so far, scientists recorded lung cancer disease data of 300,000 test persons since the 1990’ies by consulting cancer registers in nine European countries. They compared this data with the PM pollution at the test persons’ domiciles. Scientists have been warning for years that even small doses of PM are a health threat. Besides lung cancer, PM can cause a whole range of respiratory problems such as cough, bronchitis and asthma attacks. PM does not only harm the respiratory but also the cardiovascular system as mentioned in the “Escape“ study.

The BE-Fuelsaver® also contributes to the protection of the environment by reducing soot particles by up to 86 %, CO by up to 90 % and HC by up to 50 %. That this reduces the health risk due to particulate matter would have to be subject of future studies.

Press Contact
Roswitha Frank / Agency for Communication & Marketing
Phone: +49 (0) 178 8827368 (Germany)

Ambition AG is a company based in Switzerland and Gregor von Drabich-Waechter is the company’s founder and chairman. The company markets the different BE Fuelsaver® products, the accu power, the bike power & performance booster and the bio-energetic gas saver, all products developed in Austria as well as other energy-saving technologies such as the electricity booster. This sophisticated technology is a proprietary procedure which has raised the bar in fuel saving and the reduction of toxic exhaust. The products are sold in Switzerland exclusively and in other European countries, Eastern Africa and the USA jointly with partners.