Our first time online buyers are entitled to a refund of the BE-Fuelsaver® purchase price within 90 days upon fulfilling our warranty conditions.

1. This is an optional warranty offered by the company Ambition AG and applies to new customers only. The first time online buyer can make use of the 90 day refund warranty provided that the warranty conditions are fulfilled and the original invoice (incl. invoice in electronic form or by fax) has been presented.

2. The owner of the company Ambition AG, Mr. Gregor von Drabich-Waechter, is entitled to decide whether a refund claim is justified.

3. A 90 day refund warranty is granted by Ambition AG for all “BE-Fuelsaver®” starting on the day of shipment. This is a manufacturer warranty and the buyer is entitled to a refund of the purchase price (incl. shipping costs) if the complaint is justified and reproducible in terms of the product’s effectiveness, i.e. fuel saving (the minimum saving is 6%). This warranty applies within the first 90 days after the purchase, i.e. the day of shipping.

4. A complaint regarding the effectiveness, i.e. fuel saving is justified and reproducible if it lies within the responsibility of Ambition AG.

5. The buyer may claim a 90 day purchase price refund if the following conditions are fulfilled:

a) the product information for the “BE-Fuelsaver®” must have been read carefully and, in particular, the installation procedure must have been followed accordingly
b) the original invoice (incl. invoice in electronic form or as a fax) must have been submitted
c) a copy of a document containing data about the vehicle must have been sent
d) a detailed report of the fuel consumption per a specific number of miles before the installation of the product must have been presented (e.g. by use of a tank book which is supplied electronically by Ambition AG upon request)
e) a detailed report of the fuel consumption per a specific number of miles after the installation of the product must have been presented (the conditions must have been similar to those prior to the installation of the “BE-Fuelsaver®”)
f) the owner of Ambition AG, Mr. Gregor von Drabich-Waechter, must have been contacted to clarify the correct installation of the “BE-Fuelsaver®”, possibly followed by measuring the fuel consumption again
g) the “BE Fuel Saver®” must have been returned in the original packaging

6. Further claims are excluded. Oral agreements are not valid unless they are havebeen expressly confirmed by ourselves in writing. The legal warranty claims persist however.

Ambition AG
Gregor von Drabich-Waechter
Grundstr. 9
CH-8126 Zumikon
Our first time online buyers are entitled to a refund of the BE-Fuelsaver® purchase price  within 90 days upon fulfilling our warranty conditions


The BE-Fuelsaver (Type M) significantly reduces the fuel consumption of the passenger cars.
The savings are above tolerance levels of 2.5 % which are documented by the reference car.
The witness result for the BE-Fuelsaver Type M (Serial Number: 2412-0000 3676) assured by
TUV SUD ME and it was according to the witnessed result.

The BE-Fuelsaver (Type XL) significantly reduces the fuel consumption of the passenger bus.
The savings are above tolerance levels of 2.5 % which are documented by the reference car.
The witness result for the BE-Fuelsaver Type XL (Serial Number: 2411-0000 3806) assured by
TUV SUD ME and it was according to the witnessed result.

Download the TüV-document here!