The BE-Fuelsaver is a metal stick, only a couple of centimetres long, made out of stainless steel. It’s placed in a car’s tank or, if needs be, the fuel line and reduces the fuel consumption by between 6 and over 20% while also lowering the pollution and improving the engine power.
The stick works as an information carrier and changes the molecular structure of the fuel. In doing so, it optimises the combustion process in all petrol, gas or diesel powered vehicles. The metal operates as a vibration carrier that energises the fuel in such a way that it gets broken down during combustion into ionised fuel-chains, leading to an improved combustion and producing fewer toxic waste gases. A type of “Homeopathy for your motor”, so to speak.
The components of a typical, four-tact, DOHC piston motor.
- C: Crankshaft
- E: Exhaust pipe-Camshaft
- I: Ventilation pipe-Camshaft
- P: Piston
- R: Connecting Rod
- S: Spark plug
- V: Valves. Red: Exhaust, Blue: Intake
- W: Coolant containers.
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Petrol and Diesel are long chain hydrocarbons that contain not only C-H but also C-C bonds. No Oxygen can attach itself to the C-C bonds and this is the reason why they are found in the exhaust as smoke (a carbon product).
The ‘BE Fuelsaver’ splits the C-C bonds in the fuel and the two Carbon atoms can now make connections with the Oxygen molecules surrounding them. These additional bonds with Oxygen lead to a higher percentage of gas and thereby reduce the amount of fuel needed to move the pistons.