
There are several ways to install the BE Fuelsaver® correctly: We recommend an installation through an expert! It usually takes only a few minutes.

You can find an installation guide in pdf-form here:

(in Europe we recommend this only for vehicles up to the year of manufacture 2005 or older) Please watch the video below. The installation is simple and can be carried out in a number of minutes. Use a wire of approximately 1.5 cm in width and between 1.2-1.5 meters in length. This length is necessary in order to be able to reach the bottom of the fuel tank; too short a wire will get lost somewhere on the way and the Fuelsaver won’t reach the bottom of the tank. You should be able to hear when the Fuelsaver hits the bottom of the tank, however, as it shall make a small scratching noise when moved back and forth. As a test I use a 2-meter long TV coaxial cable and see whether it gets wet and smells of petrol or benzin, even when the tank isn’t completely full. This way you can be certain that you’ve reached the base of the tank. Possible problems: Some cars have a mesh fixture in front of the tank. If this is the case with your car, please use installation method 2 (fuel tank). Other cars may have a ball valve; by repeatedly moving back and forth you may be able to open this valve and have the Fuelsaver reach the base of the tank, or you can simply use method 2. Fig. a-c: Attach wire to the BE Fuelsaver® with cable straps, tighten straps with tongs and cut off the rest of the cable straps Fig. d: Insert the BE Fuelsaver® in the tank, already attached to the wire kabelbinder,tankeinfüllstutzen Video with installation guide through tank opening (in German, for explanation in English please download the installation guide in pdf-form here):

Some vehicles have a filter or a lid/ball valve built in before the tank (from construction year 2006) Then please choose another installation method.

Please have a look at the pictures (or see the video below): Please look at these pictures: Under the rear sit there is a service opening, which gives access to the tank. Please open this only when the tank is less than half full. You can install the Fuelsaver with dental floss (Oral B will not disintegrate) or Fischer brand nylon threads. The use of a wire can lead to fuel dripping out of the tank and a nasty smell! Installation should normally take between 10 and 20 minutes. If necessary, ask for help at your local garage. Example back seat (Tank is below)

An installation video for a VW Passat Combi you will find here (service opening in the luggage compartment) (for the instructions in English please see below or download the installation guide as a pdf-file here): 

E.g. VW Passat Combi, service opening in the luggage compartment (images taken from the video) 1. Open security lid, (see fig. a+b) 2. Carefully tap open winding with screwdriver and hammer, lift lid with screwdriver (fig. c+d) img class=”aligncenter” alt=”” src=”” alt=”Bild1passat” width=”468″ height=”381″ class=”alignnone size-full wp-image-3422″ /> 3. Insert BE Fuelsaver® attached to dental floss or nylon line into the tank Bild2passat 4. Close winding tightly, cautiously tap with screwdriver and hammer to fully close it, put security lid back on and secure with the screws the way you opened it. Bild3passat.png

Please have a look at the pictures (or see the video below): Many vehicles have a connecting tube which connects the tank to the tank opening. Here the BE Fuelsaver® can simply be put into the tank (with dental floss or nylon line). The tank should be almost empty, as fuel could be spilled. Attach the dental floss or nylon line to the BE Fuelsaver® and put into the tank. Let a small piece of the line/floss hang out in order to take out the BE Fuelsaver® at a later point in time (e.g. change of car). Please contact your garage for this type of installation. They can do the installation in a few minutes via the auto lift. The costs are usually around EUR 24 (i.e. Midas, AT), sometimes the work is done for free as part of the periodical service. Time expenditure: approx. 5-10 minutes.

The connecting tube is in some cases welded to the tank. In this case please choose another installation method.

When choosing this installation method, the tank should be almost empty, as fuel could be spilled.

An installation video for a Citroën Picasso through the connecting tube before the tank filler you will find here: 

Fig. 1. Connecting tube to the tank Fig. 2. loosen the clamping piece, detach the tube Bild1citroen Fig. 3+4: insert BE Fuelsaver®  Fig. 5: attach the tube back again Fig. 6: tighten clamping piece Bild3citroen

Most diesel vehicles come with an easily accessible fuel filter. You can put the BE Fuelsaver® in there. Please make sure that the BE Fuelsaver® is well «bathed» with the diesel, so that it can unfold its full effect. After the installation, the fuel filter must be vented.

With one customer, the installation did not show any effect, as the BE Fuelsaver® lay on a place where it had no contact to the fuel.

Some filters have a built-in-cartridge which means that there is not enough space for the BE Fuelsaver® in the filter.

With most vehicles the above installation methods should be possible. Some few exceptions have to use this installation method, which means the BE Fuelsaver® has to be attached to the fuel line (from the outside). Depending on the size of the line there is a dampening of the fuel saving. If possible, we therefore recommend the other proposed installation meth ods, where the BE Fuelsaver® directly lies in the fuel. Please find out which line is the inlet pipe (there is always an inlet pipe and a reflux pipe. The installation on the reflux pipe shows NO effect). Please install the BE Fuelsaver® as close as possible to the motor on a straight piece of the inlet pipe. Please attach the BE FuelSaver® with the provided cable straps.

If the wall thickness of the pipe is more than 2mm, the effect of the BE Fuelsaver® is close to zero as the stick is too far away from the fuel (i.e. thick rubber hose of jeeps, or coat against the cold in Finnish vehicles).


Evidence that it works…

Troubleshooting checklist for cars with little or no savings: [button text=”Checkliste PKW – Download” url=”//” /]

The assessment of a sworn and legally recognised expert scientifically proves the efficiency of the Fuelsaver in a long-term test.Monday the 2nd of January 2012 Result of the assessment: Saving of 10.7% M. Engr. Dr. Hinderer, legally recognised expert for combustion motors, carried out in total 120 test drives with various levels of speed. Despite the lower temperatures in the second half of the test with the Fuelsaver the final result was a saving of 10.7%.